TYS-3 Soil liquid plastic limit joint tester-Soil detector-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

TYS-3 Soil liquid plastic limit joint tester


商品类型:Soil detector

上架时间:2023-10-27 14:12:01

description:TYS-3 Soil liquid plastic limit joint tester电脑土壤液塑限联合测定仪PurposeThis instrument can be used to measure the liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, natural consistency and other indicators of soil. The above soil indicators are obtained by measuring the depth at which a standard con...


TYS-3 Soil liquid plastic limit joint tester



This instrument can be used to measure the liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, natural consistency and other indicators of soil. The above soil indicators are obtained by measuring the depth at which a standard cone with an additional weight vertically penetrates the sample within a specified time.

Main technical indicators of the instrument:

1. Minimum graduation: 0.01mm

2. Range: ≥ 25mm, error:<0.05mm

3. Cone and connecting rod weight: 760.1g

4. Weight: 24 ± 0.1g; Can form a 100g test

5. Cone angle: 30 0.2

6. Four position LCD display

7. Power supply: 220v/50Hz

8. Sample cup: metal, flat bottomed cylindrical, with an inner diameter of 5040mm

9. The instrument work platform is equipped with a horizontal adjustment mechanism.