HBY-64 type constant temperature water curing protection box for cement specimens/ Fully automatic vertical water maintenance box-curing Box-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

HBY-64 type constant temperature water curing protection box for cement specimens/ Fully automatic vertical water maintenance box


商品类型:curing Box

上架时间:2020-07-13 07:44:14



HBY-64型水泥试件恒温水养护箱     全自动立式水养护箱

HBY-64 type constant temperature water curing protection box for cement specimens/ Fully automatic vertical water maintenance box

1、 Overview

The HBY-64 constant temperature water curing box is a modified version of the original one. The improved curing box has the advantages of more uniform temperature, less temperature difference, and no dripping from the top of the box. The product is designed and manufactured according to the new national standard maintenance requirements for cement and cement product samples. It is suitable for cement factories, construction units, highway and bridge engineering units, as well as relevant scientific research and quality inspection departments to carry out standard maintenance for the strength and setting time of cement and cement product samples.

2、 Main technical indicators

1. Temperature control instrument error: 20 ± 1 ℃

2. Power supply voltage: 220V ± 10%

3. Power frequency: 50HZ

4. Compressor power: 340W

5. Heater power: 1500W

6. Fan power: 120W