ZY-25  Dumbbell prototype-dumbbell sample maker-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

ZY-25 Dumbbell prototype


商品类型:dumbbell sample maker

上架时间:2020-07-12 15:57:05

description:本机主要用于加工哑铃型试样主要用于加工塑料、有机玻璃等非金属材料的拉伸性能试验用的标准试样。 主要技术参数: ▲最大铣削铃长度:200mm ▲加工哑铃形平面刀具规格:q27q1241...



This machine is mainly used for processing dumbbell shaped specimens, and is mainly used for processing standard specimens for tensile performance testing of non-metallic materials such as plastics and organic glass.

Main technical parameters:

▲ Maximum milling bell length: 200mm

▲ Specification of machining dumbbell shaped flat cutting tools: q27× Q12× 41mm

▲ Overall appearance: 400× 400× 400mm

▲ Milling dumbbell shaped milling cutter speed 2800rpm

▲ Motor power: 550W

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