TH-040 Geotextile dynamic perforation tester-Geotextile tester	-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

TH-040 Geotextile dynamic perforation tester


商品类型:Geotextile tester

上架时间:2020-07-13 04:31:23




TH-040 Geotextile dynamic perforation tester

1、 This instrument is used to measure the penetration ability of geotextiles and their related products to steel cones falling from a fixed height. The penetration of the falling cone characterizes the degree of damage caused to the geotextile by falling sharp stones on the surface, and its performance meets the requirements of the instrument in the GB/T17630 Standard for Dynamic Perforation Testing of Geotextiles and Related Products - Falling Cone Method.

2、 Testing Principles

Hold the geotextile sample horizontally in the clamping ring, and a stainless steel cone of specified quality falls from a height of 500mm onto the sample, as the falling cone pierces the sample. And make a hole form on the sample, and then capture a small angle cone marked with a scale into the hole to measure the degree of penetration.

3、 Main technical parameters

1. Inner diameter of clamping ring: 150 ± 0.5mm

2. Distance from cone tip to sample: 500 ± 2mm

3. Steel cone; Maximum diameter Φ 50mm  ,Cone angle 45 degrees ,Total mass 1000 ± 5g (including guide rod)

4. Small angle cone: mass: 600 ± 5g

5. External dimensions: 450x350x1600mm

6. Instrument weight: 45Kg