ZS-15 Cement sand and glue compaction table-Cement impermeability tester-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

ZS-15 Cement sand and glue compaction table


商品类型:Cement impermeability tester

上架时间:2020-07-13 07:27:33




ZS-15 Cement sand and glue compaction table

1、 Overview

The ZS-15 cement mortar compaction table is designed for the testing method of cement mortar strength in China, which is equivalent to the ISO 679:1989 (E) national standard. This instrument is equivalent to the ISO 679:1989 (E) 4, 2, and 5 standards applicable to the preparation of samples for cement strength testing.

2、 Technical parameters

1. The total weight of the vibration part is 20 ± 0.5Kg

2. Drop distance: 15mm ± 0.3mm

3. Vibration frequency: 60 times/60 seconds ± 2 seconds

4. Distance from the center of the platform to the center of the arm shaft: 800mm

5. Motor speed: 60 rpm

6. Motor power: 70W

7. Power supply voltage: 220V ± 10V

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