BG-400 benzene plate cutting machine-cutters-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

BG-400 benzene plate cutting machine



上架时间:2020-07-12 15:53:18

description:苯板切割机是根据国家标GB/T10801.1-2002研制而成,产品体积小,操作方便,省时省力,是实验室切割硬质泡沫塑料的理想设备。 技术参数: ▲电压:220V ▲电阻丝:直径0.7...


BG-400 benzene plate cutting machine


Usage Overview:

The benzene plate cutting machine is developed according to the national standard GB/T10801.1-2002. It is small in size, easy to operate, time-saving and labor-saving. It is an ideal equipment for cutting hard foamed plastics in the laboratory.

Technical parameters:

▲ Voltage: 220V

▲ Resistance wire: diameter 0.7mm

▲ Overall dimensions: 600x500x1100mm

▲ Maximum cutting specification: 350x350x300mm

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