BNC-1000 Bellows inner diameter tester 1m/ 1.5m /2m-Bellows tester-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

BNC-1000 Bellows inner diameter tester 1m/ 1.5m /2m


商品类型:Bellows tester

上架时间:2023-11-15 13:29:47

description:BNC-1000 Bellows inner diameter testerBNC-1000波纹管内径测量仪IntroductionThe corrugated pipe inner diameter measuring instrument is used for measuring the inner diameter of the corrugated pipe ring stiffness test for prestressed concrete bridges, meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Tr...


BNC-1000 Bellows inner diameter tester



The corrugated pipe inner diameter measuring instrument is used for measuring the inner diameter of the corrugated pipe ring stiffness test for prestressed concrete bridges, meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Transportation's "JT/T529 Plastic Corrugated Pipes for Prestressed Concrete Bridges" and "GB/T9647 Thermoplastic Pipe Ring Stiffness Measurement".

Technical parameters

1. Measurement of corrugated pipe specifications: φ 50mm- φ 1000mm

2. Measurement accuracy: ± 0.5%

3. Measurement resolution: 0.1mm

4. Digital display controller

5. Power supply: 220V, 50Hz

6. Overall weight: 10kg

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