Formaldehyde release content test box-甲醛释放含量测试箱-北京领航三思仪器设备有限公司_仪表仪器生产厂家_防水卷材检测仪_橡胶止水带检测仪

Formaldehyde release content test box



上架时间:2020-07-12 16:12:15




Formaldehyde release content test box

Test environmental conditions

The airflow around the equipment is smooth, without high concentration of dust, corrosive or flammable and explosive gases.
The ambient temperature is 5-35 ℃.
Relative humidity ≤ 85% RH.

Temperature range


Temperature regulation accuracy

≤ ± 0.5 ℃. Under no-load conditions, when the equipment is in a stable state, the variation of the temperature at the center point of the working space over time is half of the difference between the measured highest temperature and the lowest temperature, expressed as "±", which is the temperature fluctuation degree ℃.

Humidity range

Humidity range: 40-80% RH

Humidity adjustment accuracy

± 3% R.H

Air exchange rate

0.2-2 ± 0.03 times (1/h) adjustable

Airflow velocity

0.1-0.3 (M/S)

Background value

Formaldehyde ≤ 0.006mg/m ³、 TVOC content ≤ 0.02mg/m ³; The content of each monomer (mainly benzene, toluene, xylene) is ≤ 0.002mg/m ³

Sealing performance

The cabin door has self sealing. Sealing performance meets:
① At a positive pressure of 1kPa (gauge pressure), the air leakage rate in the cabin is less than 10-3 * 1M ³/ Min;
② The difference in gas flow rate between the inlet and outlet is less than 1%.

Cabin pressure

Relative external atmospheric pressure 10 ± 5P

VOC measurement range     


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